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In just 24 sessions of one hour or less, learn how to build great Windows Store apps, Windows desktop applications, and Web applications with C# 5.0. Using this tutorial’s straightforward, step-by-step approach, you’ll master everything from the absolute basics to the newest innovations, so you can solve real problems with C#. One step at a time, you’ll learn core techniques like flow control and error handling, construct complete solutions with Visual Studio, use advanced features like attributes and dynamic types, and even build engaging, immersive Windows Store apps. Each lesson builds on what you’ve already learned, giving you a strong real-world foundation for success, even if you’ve never programmed with C# 5.0 before!
Step-by-step instructions carefully walk you through the most common C# programming tasks.
Quizzes and exercises at the end of each chapter help you test your knowledge.
Notes and tips present interesting information related to the discussion.
Cautions alert you to possible problems and give you advice on how to avoid them.
Learn how to...
Introduction 1
Part I: C# Fundamentals
HOUR 1: The .NET Framework and C# 5
The .NET Framework 5
The C# Language 13
Summary 20
Q&A 21
Workshop 21
Exercises 23
HOUR 2: Introducing Visual Studio 25
Introducing the Visual Studio Editions 26
Writing Your First Program 28
Debugging in Visual Studio 32
Visualizing Data 43
Commenting Your Code 44
Summary 46
Q&A 46
Workshop 47
Exercises 47
HOUR 3: Understanding C# Types 49
An Overview of Types 49
The C# Predefined Types 51
Other Commonly Used Types 55
Working with Operators 60
Default Values 66
Null and Nullable Types 67
Casting and Conversion 69
Summary 72
Q&A 73
Workshop 74
Exercises 75
HOUR 4: Understanding Classes and Objects the C# Way 77
Object-Oriented Programming 78
Component-Oriented Programming 79
Classes in C# 79
Scope and Declaration Space 79
Nested Classes 101
Partial Classes 101
Static Classes 102
Object Initializers 104
Summary 104
Q&A 105
Workshop 105
Exercises 107
HOUR 5: Inheritance, Interfaces, and Abstract Classes 109
Inheritance and Polymorphism 109
Abstract Classes and Members 120
Working with Interfaces 122
Summary 126
Q&A 126
Workshop 127
Exercises 128
HOUR 6: Creating Enumerated Types and Structures 129
Enumerated Types 129
Working with Structures 135
Summary 143
Q&A 143
Workshop 144
Exercises 144
HOUR 7: Events and Event Handling 147
Understanding Events 147
Subscribing and Unsubscribing 148
Publishing an Event 152
Raising an Event 154
Summary 157
Q&A 157
Workshop 158
Exercises 158
HOUR 8: Controlling Program Flow 159
Understanding the Selection Statements 159
Iteration Statements 165
Jump Statements 171
Summary 175
Q&A 175
Workshop 176
Exercises 177
HOUR 9: Using Strings and Regular Expressions 179
Strings 180
Mutable Strings Using StringBuilder 1