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Rational Unified Process Made Easy, The: A Practitioner's Guide to the RUP: A Practitioner's Guide to the RUP

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Rational Unified Process Made Easy, The: A Practitioner's Guide to the RUP: A Practitioner's Guide to the RUP


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Explains the underlying software development principles behind the RUP, and guides reader in the application of it in their organization.

° Step-by-step instruction shows you how simple it can be to succeed with the RUP

° Shows how to incrementally adopt the RUP with minimal risk, and how to identify traps and pitfalls along the way.

° Authored by the foremost RUP experts in the field, backed up by examples of companies that have made the process work for them


  • Copyright 2003
  • Dimensions: 7" x 9"
  • Pages: 464
  • Edition: 1st
  • Book
  • ISBN-10: 0-321-16609-4
  • ISBN-13: 978-0-321-16609-8

"Per Kroll and Philippe Kruchten are especially well suited to explain the RUP...because they have been the central forces inside Rational Software behind the creation of the RUP and its delivery to projects around the world."

--From the Foreword by Grady Booch

This book is a comprehensive guide to modern software development practices, as embodied in the Rational Unified Process, or RUP. With the help of this book's practical advice and insight, software practitioners will learn how to tackle challenging development projects--small and large--using an iterative and risk-driven development approach with a proven track record.

The Rational Unified Process Made Easy will teach you the key points involved in planning and managing iterative projects, the fundamentals of component design and software architecture, and the proper employment of use cases. All team members--from project managers to analysts, from developers to testers--will learn how to immediately apply the RUP to their work. You will learn that the RUP is a flexible, versatile process framework that can be tailored to suit the needs of development projects of all types and sizes.

Key topics covered include:

  • How to use the RUP to develop iteratively, adopt an architecture-centric approach, mitigate risk, and verify software quality
  • Tasks associated with the four phases of the RUP: Inception, Elaboration, Construction, and Transition
  • Roles and responsibilities of project managers, architects, analysts, developers, testers, and process engineers in a RUP project
  • Incrementally adopting the RUP with minimal risk
  • Common patterns for failure with the RUP--and how to avoid them

Use this book to get quickly up to speed with the RUP, so you can easily employ the significant power of this process to increase the productivity of your team.


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Table of Contents






1. Introducing the Rational Unified Process.

What Is the Rational Unified Process?

The RUP—The Approach.

Underlying Principles of the RUP Approach.

The RUP and Iterative Development.

The RUP--A Well-Defined Software Engineering Process.

The Dynamic Structure of the Rational Unified Process.

The Static Structure of the Rational Unified Process.

The RUP-A Customizable Process Product.

Configuration and Process Authoring Tools.

Process Delivery Tools.

Who Uses the RUP Product?


2. The Spirit of the RUP: Guidelines for Success.

Attack Major Risks Early and Continuously, or They Will Attack You.


Ensure That You Deliver Value to Your Customer.


Stay Focused on Executable Software.


Accommodate Change Early in the Project.


Baseline an Executable Architecture Early On.


Build Your System with Components.


Work Together as One Team.


Make Quality a Way of Life, Not an Afterthought.



3. Comparing Processes: The RUP, Agile Methods, and Heavyweight Government Standards.

How Can We Compare Processes?

Agile Development: Low-Ceremony, Iterative Approaches.

SEI CMM, SEI CMMI, ISO/IEC, DOD-STD, MIL-STD: High Ceremony Striving for Higher Predictability.

SEI CMM: Process Assessment Framework.

SEI CMMI: Process Assessment Framework.

ISO/IEC 15504: Process Assessment Framework.

DOD-STD and MIL-STD: High-Ceremony Processes.

The RUP: An Iterative Approach with an Adaptable Level of Ceremony.

How Iterative Do You Want to Be?

How Much Ceremony Do You Want?

What Kind of RUP Configuration Meets Your Process Needs? <


The Rational Unified Process (RUP) is a software engineering process framework developed and marketed by Rational Software. It comprises many software development best practices, harvested by many contributors, over many years of experience, in a wide variety of situations. It provides a disciplined approach to assigning and managing tasks and responsibilities in a software development organization. By applying this process, software development teams can produce high-quality software that meets the needs of its end users, and do so within a predictable schedule and budget.

The RUP guides software practitioners in effectively applying modern software best practices, such as developing iteratively, taking an architecture-centric approach, mitigating risk at every stage in the process, and continuously verifying the quality of the software. Although thousands of projects today are using the RUP effectively, many teams are intimidated by the thought of implementing a new process that they perceive as large and complex. The RUP does not have to be large, and it is not complex.

The goal of this book is to show you how simple the RUP actually is. It explains the underlying software development principles behind the RUP and guides you in the application of the process in your development organization. It will also show you the way to carve a RUP Process Configuration of the right size for your organization or project.

Why We Wrote This Book

During more than a decade of assisting companies in adopting the RUP and its predecessors, and six years of leading the development of the RUP product, we have had the opportunity to see what works and what does not. We have seen the rewards of successful adoption of the RUP, and we have seen the challenges that projects and team members may encounter along the way. We have also been privileged to work with many leading software practitioners and have learned from them through daily interaction and practical experience in actual projects.

Lately, we have seen a number of companies adopt too much of the RUP. Yes, there is such a thing as "too much of the RUP." We felt there was a need for a book on the RUP that not only tells you what to do, and what artifacts to produce, but also tells you how to streamline your process and what not to do. We wanted to explain how to adopt the RUP in practice, and when to apply what parts of the RUP in a given project. We wanted to help you understand how to apply the RUP to projects of different sizes or of different types.

Through this book, we want to share some of the insights we and our colleagues have gained over the years: Our intent is to provide Project Managers, Analysts, Architects, Developers, Testers, Process Engineers, and other team members and stakeholders with an easy-to-understand guide to the RUP. We have done this by extracting, from our practical experiences with the RUP, the essence of what each role needs to know about the RUP and explaining their role within it.

This book is not a substitute for the RUP product itself. While the book provides a couple of hundred pages of practical guidance, the RUP product provides thousands of pages of direction for a wide array of roles and activities, as well as templates for accelerating your work. It also provides tight integration with desktop tools, a search engine, graphical navigation, and other features you expect from a Web-based knowledge base. Unlike this book, the RUP is continuously evolving, bringing you up-to-date guidance to apply to your projects. Finally, this book will also guide you in customizing the RUP framework to suit your specific needs.

What You Will Learn from This Book

By reading this book, you will learn

  • The RUP's underlying principles, which have been validated by hundreds of successful software projects
  • How these principles are applied in practice, by walking through each phase of a RUP project
  • The roles and responsibilities of Project Managers, Analysts, Architects, Developers, Testers, and Process Engineers in a RUP project
  • How to incrementally adopt the RUP with minimal risk
  • How to identify common patterns for failure, and how to avoid them

Who Should Read This Book?

This book is targeted specifically to

  • All members of a team using, or about to use, the RUP, including Managers who need an introduction and overview of the RUP and who would like to understand its practical application
  • Practitioners on a software project: those Project Managers, Analysts, Architects, Developers, Testers, and Process Engineers who want a detailed understanding of the RUP and their specific role within a RUP project
  • Managers, Process Engineers, and others who want to understand how the RUP can be adopted in their organization

Structure and Contents of This Book

This book is divided into four parts: introduction, walkthrough, adoption, and role-specific guidelines.

Part I introduces the RUP. Chapter 1 explains what the RUP is and the motivation behind its development and its application. Chapter 2, "The Spirit of the RUP," describes the underlying principles behind the RUP--these are based on the experiences gleaned from a number of successful projects and distilled into a few simple guidelines. Understanding these principles will help you better apply the RUP to your own projects. Chapter 3 provides a method for comparing processes, and we use it to compare the RUP to other agile processes, to more conventional processes, and to process assessment frameworks such as SEI CMM and SPICE. These comparisons will help you understand which project type should use what type of RUP configuration. Chapter 4 provides an example that applies the RUP to a very small project: one person for one week. By peeling away the ceremony needed for larger projects, you can focus on the essential elements of the RUP.

Part II presents the RUP by walking through each of the four phases in a RUP project: Inception, Elaboration, Construction, and Transition. Chapter 5 addresses some common misconceptions of the four phases by explaining how the iterative approach applies to them. Chapters 6-9 describe each of the four phases in detail. We focus on what is to be achieved--that is, the objectives of each phase--and guide you in reaching those objectives. This will help you to stay focused on the most essential activities in an actual project. Additionally, we present the RUP activities in a time-based perspective-that is, in the order they are applied in a real project-to give you a reference to understand when to do the activities as you work through a project.

Adopting the RUP requires some preparation and some preliminary knowledge on the part of the adopting organization. Part III provides basic knowledge in key areas to support a streamlined implementation. Chapter 10 walks you through the RUP product, detailing how it can be extended and customized to meet project- and organization-specific needs. Chapter 11 briefly outlines some strategies that may be useful for implementing the process including incremental rollout, pilot projects, and training curricula. Our experience shows that moving from a waterfall approach to iterative development can be a difficult transition for Project Managers, and Chapter 12 provides guidelines for planning a RUP project. Over the years, we have seen patterns of success and patterns of failure in RUP adoptions. Chapter 13 discusses the patterns of failure and how to avoid them, guarding you from repeating the mistakes of others.

The RUP product provides comprehensive guidelines for a wide array of software development activities. Part IV, Chapters 14-18, presents guides for each of the five key roles in any software project: the Project Manager, Analyst, Architect, Developer, and Tester. For each role, we present the RUP from that role's perspective, and we describe the mission, the desired qualifications, and the key activities, as well as recommended reading and training. Note that there is no separate chapter for the Process Engineer: Most of this role is described in Chapters 10 and 11.

How to Read This Book

Based on your role in your software organization and what you want to learn from this book, we recommend the following readings:

If you are looking for a brief overview of the RUP, read Chapters 1, 2, and 4.

If you are looking for a detailed overview of the RUP, read Chapters 1-9.

If you are looking for a detailed understanding of the RUP, including specific role responsibilities:

  • For Project Managers, read Chapters 1-9 and 11-14.
  • For Analysts, read Chapters 1-9, 13, and 15 (optionally, browse through Chapters 8 and 9).
  • For Architects, read Chapters 1-9, 13, and 16.
  • For Developers, read Chapters 1-9, 13, and 17 (optionally, browse through Chapter 6).
  • For Testers, read Chapters 1-9, 13, and 18.
  • For Process Engineers, read Chapters 1-11 and 13.
  • If you are an executive looking for a brief overview of the RUP, and what it takes to adopt the RUP, read Chapters 1, 2, 4, and 11.

For More Information

Additional information about the RUP product, including a data sheet and a product demo, can be obtained from Rational Software at http://www.rational.com/products/rup.

If you are already using the RUP product, additional resources are available from the RUP Knowledge Center on the Rational Developer Network (RDN) at http://www.rational.net.

Academic institutions can contact Rational Software for information on a special program for including the RUP in a software engineering curriculum: http://www.rational.com/corpinfo/college_relations/seed/index.jsp.



Every software development team follows some sort of process, whether intentionally or not. In small teams of one, two, or just a handful of developers, that process is typically lightweight. Very few if any documents are produced, analysis and design does take place but is often informal and transitory, and the project's source code serves as the center of gravity around which all other activities of the project orbit.

In large teams of dozens or even hundreds of developers, typically spread across buildings or flung around the globe, that process is much more prescribed. Many more formal and officially reviewed documents are produced; analysis and design involves the collaboration of a number of nondeveloper stakeholders and is made manifest in meetings, presentations, documents, and other artifacts; and the project's code is just one--albeit the most important of the tangible artifacts that compose the deployed system. This is not to say that lightweight processes and heavier ones are at opposite ends of the spectrum of goodness: Every problem domain, every development culture, and every individual project requires a process that is just right for its specific context.

That said, all successful projects have some fascinating elements in common, no matter what their size. These elements are notably absent in unsuccessful projects. Observe a jelled project and you'll sense a distinct rhythm of cooperative work, with individual developers driving their own activities and ers. Such projects are typically quite agile, resilient to change, and adaptable, but also predictable, reliable, and able to craft quality code that really matters. In short, for these projects, the process followed is so much a ible, yet its spirit moves every artifact produced by team members working in concert.

The spirit of the Rational Unified Process, or RUP, is exactly this kind of invisible process. The RUP has evolved over the years to embody the experience of literally thousands of projects in every conceivable domain. Per Kroll and Philippe Kruchten are especially well suited to explain the RUP in an approachable and eminently pragmatic way because they have been the central forces inside Rational Software behind the creation of the RUP and its delivery to projects around the world.

When you talk about process to many developers, there is often an immediate push back because process is so often viewed as something that gets in the way of cutting code. This is simply not so with the RUP, for its very purpose is to reduce the friction of development teams so that they may focus on producing quality systems that are of value. Per and Philippe begin by explaining the spirit of the RUP and then proceed to show how the RUP may be applied to projects of many different shapes and sizes.

After explaining the pragmatics of the RUP, they then discuss several meta topics, including how you can introduce the RUP to an organization and what pitfalls to avoid in doing so. Making the RUP approachable to different stakeholders, they then examine the RUP from the viewpoint of the project manager, analyst, architect, developer, and tester.

The most successful project makes process look easy, but in reality, some really deep currents are at work. In this book, Per and Philippe explain those currents in an approachable and practical way, so that your projects too will follow the spirit of the RUP.

Grady Booch
Chief Scientist
Rational Software Corporation
February 2003


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