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Leverage the power of MATLAB 6 in all your technical computation and measurement applications
Now, there is a complete introduction to numerical methods and visualization with the latest, most powerful version of MATLAB, Version 6.0. Dr. Shoichiro Nakamura introduces the skills and knowledge needed to solve numerical equations with MATLAB, understand the computational results, and present them graphically.
This book brings together all four cornerstones of numerical analysis with MATLAB: the fundamental techniques of MATLAB programming; the mathematical basis of numerical methods; the application of numerical analysis to engineering, scientific, and mathematical problems; and the creation of scientific graphics. Coverage includes:
Whether you are a student, engineer, scientist, researcher, or economic analyst, MATLAB 6 offers you unprecedented power for defining and solving problems. Put that power to work with Numerical Analysis and Graphical Visualization with MATLAB, second edition.
1. MATLAB Primer.
Before Starting Calculations. How to Do Calculations. Branch Statements. Loops with for/end or while/end. Reading and Writing. Array Variables. Unique Aspect of Numbers in MATLAB. Mathematical Functions of MATLAB. Functions That Do Chores. Developing a Program as an M-File. How to Write Your Own Functions. Saving and Loading Data. How to Make Hard Copies.
Simple Plotting. Interactive Editing of Figures. How to Print or Record Graphs. Plotting of Two-Dimensional Functions. Triangular Grid and Contours. Curvilinear Grid and Contours. Plotting Curved Surfaces. MATLAB as a Drawing Board. Interactive Graphics. M-Files.
Matrices and Vectors. Matrix and Vector Operations in MATLAB. Inverse Matrix. Linear Equations. Unsolvable Problems. The Determinant. Ill-conditioned Problems. Gauss Elimination. Gauss-Jordan Elimination and Matrix Inversion. LU Decomposition. Iterative Solution. Matrix Eigenvalues.
MATLAB Commands for Polynomials. Linear Interpolation. Polynomial Interpolation with Power Series. Lagrange Interpolation Polynomial. Error of Interpolation Polynomials. Differentiation and Integration of Lagrange Interpolation Formula. Interpolation with Chebyshev Points. Cubic Hermite Interpolation. Two-Dimensional Interpolation. Transfinite Interpolation. M-Files.
Trapezoidal Rule. Simpson's Rules. Other Quadratures. Numerical Integration with Infinite Limits or Singularities. MATLAB Commands for Integrations. Numerical Integration on a Two-Dimensional Domain. M-Files.
Derivatives of Interpolation Polynomials. Difference Approximations. Taylor Expansion Method. Algorithms to Automate Derivations. Difference Approximation for Partial Derivatives. Numerical Evaluation of High-Order Derivatives. M-Files.
Graphical Method. Bisection Method. Newton Iteration. Secant Method. Successive Substitution Method. Simultaneous Nonlinear Equations. M-Files.
Line Fitting. Nonlinear Curve Fitting with a Power Function. Curve Fitting with a Higher-Order Polynomial. Curve Fitting by a Linear Combination of Known Functions.
C-Spline Interpolation. Cubic B-Spline. Interpolation with a Nonlinear Function. M-Files.
First-Order ODEs. Euler Methods. Runge-Kutta Methods. Shooting Method. Method of Lines.
Introduction. Boundary-Value Problems for Rods and Slabs. Solution of Tridiagonal Equations. Variable Coefficients and Nonuniform Grids. Cylinders and Spheres. Nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equations.
This book is intended to introduce numerical analysis and graphic visualization using MATLAB to college students majoring in engineering and science.It can also be a handbook of MATLAB applications for professional engi-neers and scientists. The goal is not to teach the mathematics of numericalanalysis, but rather to teach the knowledge and skills of solving equationsand presenting them graphically so that readers can easily handle equationsand results of the computations.
With its unique and fascinating capabilities, MATLAB has changed theconcept of programming for numerical and mathematical analyses. Therefore, MATLAB is a superb vehicle to achieve our goal. This book fullyimplements the mathematical and graphic tools in the most recent versionof MATLAB.
The following four fundamental elements are integrated in this book: (1)programming in MATLAB, (2) mathematical basics of numerical analysis,(3) application of numerical methods to engineering, scientific, and mathematical problems, and (4) scientific graphics with MATLAB.
The first two chapters are comprehensive tutorials of MATLAB commands and graphic tools, particularly for the beginner or entry-level collegestudent. Indeed, these two chapters have been most significantly enhancedin this edition compared to the first edition. In Chapter 1, understandingand developing programming skills on MATLAB are emphasized particularlybecause, unless the reader has knowledge and experience with another pro-gramming language, these are tough hurdles for the beginner to overcome.To acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to read the rest of the book,solving the problems at the end of each chapter is very important.
Chapter 2 starts out with the elements of graphics on MATLAB, whichis easy to follow. Yet, toward the end of the chapter, three-dimensionalgraphics on the professional level are achieved. Not only is the programmingtechnique of plotting functions mentioned, but also skills of presenting mathematical and scientific material using graphics are developed throughout thechapter. The graphics knowledge acquired in this chapter are foundationsin learning and applying the numerical methods described in the remainderof the book. Again, practice on the computer is important. Some studentstry to memorize scripts without understanding why and how they work,but such an effort is utterly meaningless. More important is to play with afew new commands, understand how they work and how they may fail, andfinally become a master of the commands.
Chapters 3 through 11 cover numerical methods and their implementations with MATLAB. All the numerical methods described are illustratedwith applications on MATLAB. Appendices describe special topics, including advanced three-dimensional graphics with colors, motion pictures, imageprocessing, and graphical user interface. Readers should feel free to use thescripts in this book in any way desired. However, the beginning studentsare advised not to u se these scripts blindly. The students should write theirown scripts.
Using the lists of the scripts and function, readers can run most examples and figures on their own computers. The m-files of the scripts can bedownloaded as mentioned later.
MATLAB may be regarded as a programming language like Fortran or C,although describing it in a few words is difficult. Some of its outstandingfeatures for numerical analyses, however, are:
An extraordinary feature of MATLAB is that there is no distinction amongreal, complex, and integer numbers. All numbers are in double precision. InMATLAB, all kinds of numbers are continuously connected, as they should be. It means that in MATLAB, any variable can take any type of numberwithout special declaration in programming. This makes programming fasterand more productive. In Fortran, a different subroutine is necessary for eachsingle, double, real or complex, or integer variable, while in MATLAB thereis no need to separate them.
The mathematical library in MATLAB makes mathematical analyseseasy. Yet the user can develop additional mathematical routines significantlymore easily than in other programming languages because of the continuitybetween real and complex variables. Among numerous mathematical functions, linear algebra solvers play central roles. Indeed, the whole MATLABsystem is founded upon linear algebra solvers.
Graphic presentation of mathematical analysis helps the reader to under-stand mathematics and makes it enjoyable. Although this advantage hasbeen well known, presenting computed results with computer graphics wasnot without substantial extra effort in the past. With MATLAB, however,graphic presentations of mathematical material is possible with just a fewcommands. Scientific and even artistic graphic objects can be created on thescreen using mathematical expressions. It has been found that MATLABgraphics motivate and excite students to learn mathematical and numericalmethods that could otherwise be dull.
MATLAB graphics are easy and great fun for readers. This book alsoillustrates image processing and production of motion pictures for scientific computing as well as for artistic or hobby material.
The answer is no. Fortran and C are still important for high-performancecomputing that requires a large memory or long computing time. The speedof MATLAB computation is significantly slower than that with Fortran orC because MATLAB is paying the high price for the nice features. Learn-ing Fortran or C, however, is not a prerequisite for understanding MATLAB.
This book explains many MATLAB commands but is not intended to be acomplete guide to MATLAB. Readers interested in further information onMATLAB are advised to read User's Guide and Reference Guide. Also, youshould know that over 400 books for use with MATLAB, Simulink, Tool-boxes, and Blocksets have been written. See
A Web site for readers of this book has been opened at
This Web site includes additional examples, hints, and color graphics thatcannot be printed in the book. If there are corrections to the text material,they will appear on this Web site. Links to other relevant sites are alsoprovided.
The m-files package that includes all the scripts and functions developed inthe present book are available from the download site of the publisher, whichcan be accessed via the Web site in the foregoing paragraph. The packageincludes the following files:
Solution keys for the problems for each chapter are available at the end ofthis book. Further help may also be available at the Web site for the readers.
The best way to start collecting more information about MATLAB is to visitthe Web site of MATHWORKS at
For other communication with MathWorks, their address is: The MathWorks, Inc., 3 Apple Hill Drive, Natick ,MA 01760-2098, United StatesPhone: 508-647-7000, Fax: 508-647-7001.
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