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Microsoft Hybrid Cloud Unleashed with Azure Stack and Azure

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Microsoft Hybrid Cloud Unleashed with Azure Stack and Azure


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  • Copyright 2018
  • Dimensions: 7" x 9-1/8"
  • Pages: 400
  • Edition: 1st
  • Book
  • ISBN-10: 0-672-33850-5
  • ISBN-13: 978-0-672-33850-2

Microsoft Hybrid Cloud Unleashed brings together comprehensive and practical insights into hybrid cloud technologies, complete CloudOps and DevOps implementation strategies, and detailed guidance for deploying Microsoft Azure Stack in your environment.

Written by five Microsoft Cloud and Datacenter Management MVPs, this book is built on real-world scenarios and the authors’ extraordinary hands-on experiences as early adopters. Step by step, the authors help you integrate your optimal mix of private and public cloud, with a unified management experience that lets you move workloads at will, achieving unprecedented flexibility.

The authors also guide you through all aspects of building your own secure, high-performance hybrid cloud infrastructure. You’ll discover how Azure Stack enables you to run data centers with the same scalability, redundancy, and reliability as Microsoft’s Azure data centers; how to integrate Azure infrastructure and platform services with internal operations; and how to manage crucial external dependencies. The book concludes with a deep dive into automating and customizing Azure Stack for maximum reliability, productivity, and cost savings.

Detailed information on how to

  • Run a private/hybrid cloud on your hardware in your data center, using APIs and code identical to public Azure
  • Apply ITIL and DevOps lifecycles to your hybrid cloud implementation
  • Gain a deep understanding of Azure Stack architecture, components, and internals
  • Install and configure Azure Stack and master the Azure Stack Portal
  • Integrate and utilize infrastructure, core, and custom resource providers
  • Effectively provision, secure, and manage tenants
  • Manage, monitor, troubleshoot, and back up Azure Stack with CloudOps
  • Automate resource provisioning with PowerShell, the Azure CLI, templates, and Azure Stack’s API
  • Write your own Azure Resource Manager templates
  • Centrally automate cloud management and complex tasks connected to external systems
  • Develop customized, production-ready Azure Stack marketplace items



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Sample Content

Online Sample Chapter

Azure Stack Architecture

Table of Contents

Foreword by Daniel Savage xiv
Introduction     1

Part I:  Introducing Hybrid Cloud
Chapter 1  Introducing Cloud Computing     5

Dissecting the Cloud     6
    Characteristics of the Cloud     7
    Exploring Cloud Computing Types     8
    Common Cloud Service Models     9
Cloud Successes and Failures     10
Understanding the Public Cloud Marketplace     13
Diving into Microsoft’s Hybrid Cloud     15
    Visiting the History of Azure     18
    Differences between Azure Stack and Azure     20
    About Azure Stack and Hyper-Convergence     21
    Applying Azure Stack to the Enterprise     22
Strategies for Hybrid Cloud     25
Summary     25
Chapter 2  Applying ITIL and DevOps to Hybrid Cloud     27
Managing the Cloud     28
ITIL Lifecycle and the Cloud     29
    Bringing the Cloud into Service Strategy     30
    Integrating Service Design and Cloud     31
    Utilizing Service Transition with the Cloud     34
    Maintaining Service Operation with Cloud     35
    Enhancing Cloud with Continual Service Improvement     37
DevOps Lifecycle and the Cloud     37
    Promoting Organizational Change     39
    The Importance of Becoming Agile and Lean     39
    Offering Centralized Control     40
    Providing Rollback     40
    Promoting Security     40
    Utilizing Proactive Monitoring     40
DevOps + Azure and Azure Stack     41
        Value of Using Azure and Azure Stack with DevOps     41
Measuring the Benefit of Hybrid Cloud     41
ITIL and DevOps: Better Together     43
    Creating a Best of Breed Hybrid Cloud Solution     44
    Mapping Application Lifecycle Management/DevOps to ITIL     45
Summary     46

Part II:  Deploying Azure Stack
Chapter 3  Azure Stack Architecture     47

Overview of Azure Stack Integrated System     47
Azure Stack Architecture Overview     49
    Defining an Installation or Instance of Azure Stack     51
    Designing an Azure Stack Scale Unit     51
Azure Stack Internals     53
    Hardware Management in Azure Stack     53
    Azure Stack Compute Overview     56
    Azure Stack Storage Overview     60
    Azure Stack Networking Overview     64
Planning an Azure Stack Deployment 76
Data Center Integration     77
Summary 79
Chapter 4  Installing and Configuring Azure Stack     81
Installing Azure Stack     81
    Azure Stack Development Kit Hardware Requirements     81
    Installing Azure Stack Development Kit     82
    Installing Azure Stack in a Production Environment     87
Configuring Azure Stack     88
    Types of Azure Stack Administrators     89
    Using the Azure Stack Portal     90
    Authenticating in Azure Stack     93
    Securing Azure Stack     95
    Key Vault     96
    Site-to-Site VPN in Azure Stack     97
    Azure Stack Marketplace     100
Creating and Publishing Marketplace Items     101
Creating and Adding Custom VM Images     102
Summary     103
Chapter 5  Using Resource Providers     105
Infrastructure as Code in Azure Stack     105
    Azure Resource Manager Functionality     106
    Key Terminology in Azure Resource Manager     107
    Definition of a Resource Provider     108
Infrastructure Resource Providers     108
    Fabric Resource Provider (FRP)     110
    Health Resource Provider (HRP)     110
    Update Resource Provider (URP)     114
Foundational Resource Providers     114
    Compute Resource Provider (CRP)     114
    Storage Resource Provider (SRP)     115
    Network Resource Provider (NRP)     116
Exploring PaaS Resource Providers     116
    Exploring the SQL Resource Provider     117
    MySQL Resource Provider     117
    App Service Resource Provider     118
Deploying PaaS Resource Providers     118
    Deploying the SQL Resource Provider     118
    Deploying the MySQL Resource Provider     123
    Deploying the App Service Resource Provider     127
API Integration     134
Summary     134

Part III:  Managing Azure Stack
Chapter 6  Azure Stack Tenant Configuration and Capabilities     135

Using Plans, Offers, and Subscriptions     136
    Using Plans with Azure Stack Services     136
    Using Offers in Azure Stack     137
    Making Offers Public     139
    Using Azure Stack Subscriptions     139
Working with Quotas     139
Adding Tenants     141
Signing up for an Add-on Plan     143
Using Tenant Role-Based Access Control     144
    Subscription Level Layer     144
    Resource Group Level Layer     144
    Resource Level Layer     144
    Assigning Roles in Azure Stack     144
Using the Delegated Provider Role     145
    Service Administrator     145
    Delegated Provider     145
    Tenant Administrator     145
    Creating a Delegated Provider Offer     146
Working with Azure Resource Manager Policies     149
    Example of Policy to Enforce Naming Conventions     149
    Example of Policy to Enforce Deployment only in Certain Regions     149
Summary     154
Chapter 7  Managing Azure Stack with CloudOps     155
CloudOps Explained     155
Region Management in Azure Stack     158
    Using the Region Management Tile     158
    Azure Stack Tools: Infrastructure Module     161
    Using the Health Resource Provider     163
    Exploring the Update Resource Provider     165
Monitoring Azure Stack Fabric with System Center Operations Manager     167
    Microsoft Azure Stack Alerts Synchronization Rule (Azure Stack to Operations Manager)     169
    Microsoft Azure Stack Alerts Synchronization Rule (Operations Manager to Azure Stack)     170
Diagnostics in Azure Stack     170
    Trace Collector     170
    Exploring the Log Collection Tool     171
Backing Up Azure Stack     171
ITSM Integration with Azure Stack     173
Summary     174

Part IV:  Automating Azure Stack
Chapter 8  Provisioning Resources and Scripting     175

Connecting to Azure Stack Development Kit     175
    Connecting with Remote Desktop     176
    Connecting with VPN     176
Using Azure Stack PowerShell     178
    Installing Azure Stack PowerShell     178
    Connecting to Azure Stack using PowerShell     178
Using Azure CLI     181
    Installing Azure CLI     181
    Connecting to Azure Stack using Azure CLI     181
Provisioning Resources and ARM Templates     183
    Provisioning Resources using the Portal     184
    Provisioning Resources using PowerShell     196
    Provisioning Resources using Azure CLI     201
Using ARM Templates     203
    Deploying ARM Templates using the Portal     204
    Deploying ARM Templates using PowerShell     205
    Deploying ARM Templates using Azure CLI209
    Deploying Templates using Visual Studio     209
Using the Azure Stack API     212
Summary     214
Chapter 9  Using ARM Templates in Hybrid Cloud     215
Introducing ARM Templates     215
    Using ARM with an ERP Application     216
    Using ARM for High Availability     218
Authoring ARM Templates     218
    Planning a Template     218
    ARM Template Formats     219
ARM Template Elements     219
    Using Parameters in Templates     220
    Using Variables in Templates     222
    Using Resources in Templates     223
    Using Functions in Templates     224
    Using Outputs in Templates     226
    Using Nested Templates     226
Authoring Templates in Visual Studio     229
    Starting an ARM Template Project in Visual Studio     230
    Adding a Storage Account     232
    Adding a Virtual Network     233
    Adding a Virtual Machine Resource     234
    Adding a Public IP Address     237
Authoring Templates in Visual Studio Code     238
Reusing Templates between Azure Stack and Public Azure     239
    Retrieving Available Resource Providers and Versions     240
    Automatically Using the Correct Storage URL     242
Using VM Extensions in ARM Templates     243
    Using a VM Extension in PowerShell and ARM (BGInfo)     245
    Using the PowerShell DSC Extension     245
    Using Custom Script Extensions     251
Summary     254
Chapter 10  Automating Your Hybrid Cloud     255
Options for Automation in the Hybrid Cloud     256
Azure and OMS Automation     256
    Runbooks and Runbook Development     259
    Implementing and Using Assets     262
    Development using the Azure Automation Authoring Toolkit PowerShell ISE Add-on     266
    Using Graphical Runbooks     268
    Incorporating Schedules     268
    Using the Hybrid Worker     271
    Using Webhooks     273
    Using the Automation DSC Pull Server Service     275
Integrating Azure/Azure Stack with Azure Automation     276
    Installing the OMS Agent on VM in ARM Template using MMA Extension     276
    Enabling a Hybrid Worker in ARM Template ARM DSC Extension     280
    Installing the OMS Service Map Agent on VM in ARM Template using DSC Extension     288
Summary     293
Chapter 11  Customizing Azure Stack     295
Performing Conditional Deployments in ARM Templates     296
Preparing the Template and Artifacts     297
    Preparing Folders and Linked Templates     297
    Preparing and Uploading Artifacts to Storage Account     299
    Setting up the Artifact Location in the ARM Template     302
    Modifying Parameters to Support the GUI     302
    Adding Conditional Deployment Switches to the ARM Template     303
    Testing the ARM Template     306
Defining and Testing the GUI Wizard     307
    Authoring the CreateUIDefinition File     309
    Testing the Wizard     319
Authoring the Marketplace Item Resources and Metadata     320
    Adding Marketplace Item Resources     320
    Adding Images     321
    Authoring the UIDefinition File     322
    Authoring the Manifest File     323
Packaging the Marketplace Item     327
Publishing the Marketplace Item to Azure Stack     328
Deploying the Marketplace Item     329
Summary     330

Part V:  Appendixes
Appendix A  Glossary     331
Glossary of Terms     331
Additional Information     334
Appendix B  Reference URLs     335
General Resources     335
Microsoft’s Hybrid Cloud Resources     336
Other Hybrid Cloud Resources     340
Blogs     341
Public Forums     341
Utilities     342
Appendix C  Available Online     343
Configuring an Azure Stack Tenant     343
Provisioning Resources and Scripting     343
Using ARM Templates in Hybrid Cloud     343
Automating Your Hybrid Cloud     344
Customizing Azure Stack     344
Live Links     344
Index     345


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