- Copyright 2009
- Edition: 1st
Downloadable Video
- ISBN-10: 0-13-706373-3
- ISBN-13: 978-0-13-706373-4
19+ Hours of Video Instruction
Java Fundamentals LiveLessons I and II provides Java developers with the essential information they need to begin working with Oracle's Java programming language.
Paul Deitel is co-founder of Deitel & Associates, Inc. and co-author of the best-selling Java For Programmers, 2/e. He is a Java Certified Programmer, a Java Certified Developer, and has been designated by Oracle as a Java Champion. In this LiveLesson, Paul starts by showing you the basics--classes, objects, methods, and more. You then move on to master professional-quality techniques, from inheritance and polymorphism to exception handling and user interface development. By the end, you'll have all the skills you need to develop professional-grade Java applications.
Table of Contents:
Lesson 1 Fundamentals I - Lesson 1: Introduction to Java Applications
1.1 Learning Objectives
1.2 Welcome1.java - printing text
1.3 Comparison.java - if statements, relational and equality operators
1.4 Lesson 1: Introduction to Java Applications Summary
Fundamentals I - Lesson 2: Introduction to Classes and Objects
2.1 Learning Objectives
2.2 GradeBook.java - class with one method
2.3 GradeBook.java - class with a method and parameter
2.4 GradeBook.java - class with an instance variable and methods
2.5 GradeBook.java - class with a constructor
2.6 Account.java - class with a constructor that validates data
2.7 Lesson 2: Introduction to Classes and Objects Summary
Fundamentals I - Lesson 3: Control Statements: Part 1
3.1 Learning Objectives
3.2 GradeBook.java - counter-controlled repetition
3.3 GradeBookTest.java
3.4 GradeBook.java - sentinel-controlled repetition
3.5 GradeBookTest.java
3.6 Increment.java - prefix and postfix increment operators
3.7 Lesson 3: Control Statements: Part 1 Summary
Fundamentals I - Lesson 4: Control Statements: Part 2
4.1 Learning Objectives
4.2 Interest.java - the for loop
4.3 DoWhileTest.java - do...while statement
4.4 GradeBook.java - the switch statement
4.5 switch statement UML activity diagrams
4.6 LogicalOperators.java - logical operators
4.7 Lesson 4: Control Statements: Part 2 Summary
Fundamentals I - Lesson 5: Methods- A Deeper Look
5.1 Learning Objectives
5.2 static Methods, static Fields, class Math
5.3 Argument Promotion and Casting
5.4 Java API Packages
5.5 Craps.java - simulate the dice game
5.6 Scope.java - field and local variable scopes
5.7 MethodOverload.java - overloaded method declarations
5.8 MethodOverloadError.java - compilation error based on return types
5.9 Lesson 5: Methods- A Deeper Look Summary
Fundamentals I - Lesson 6: Arrays 6.1 Learning Objectives
6.2 InitArray.java - creating an array
6.3 InitArray.java - initializing array elements
6.4 Card.java - array of reference-type elements
6.5 EnhancedForTest.java - using the enhanced for statement
6.6 PassArray.java - passing arrays to methods
6.7 GradeBook.java - using an array to store grades
6.8 Multidimensional arrays
6.9 InitArray.java - initializing a two-dimensional array
6.10 GradeBook.java - using a two-dimensional array to store grades
6.11 VarargsTest.java - using variable-length argument lists
6.12 InitArray.java - using command-line arguments to initialize an array
6.13 Lesson 6: Arrays Summary
Fundamentals I - Lesson 7: Classes and Objects- A Deeper Look
7.1 Learning Objectives
7.2 Time1.java - class declaration
7.3 MemberAccessTest.java - private members of a class
7.4 ThisTest.java - using the "this" reference
7.5 Time2.java - overloaded constructors
7.6 Time2Test.java - overloaded constructors continued
7.7 Time2.java - Exercise: Modifying a class's internal data representation
7.8 Default and No-Argument Constructors
7.9 Notes on Set and Get Methods
7.10 Date.java - date class declaration
7.11 Book.java - declaring an enum type
7.12 Employee.java - static variables
7.13 StaticImportTest.java - using static import
7.14 Increment.java - final instance variable in a class
7.15 Time Class Case Study: creating packages
7.16 Time1.java - example of creating packages
7.17 Compiling a packaged class from the command line
7.18 Lesson 7: Classes and Objects- A Deeper Look Summary
Fundamentals II - Lesson 1: Object-Oriented Programming: Inheritance
1.1 Learning Objectives
1.2 Class Hierarchies
1.3 CommissionEmployee.java - superclasses and subclasses
1.4 CommissionEmployeeTest.java
1.5 BasePlusCommissionEmployee.java - superclasses and subclasses continued
1.6 BasePlusCommissionEmployee2.java - extending CommissionEmployee
1.7 CommissionEmployee2.java - using protected instance variables
1.8 CommissionEmployee3.java - using methods to manipulate instance variables
1.9 Lesson 1: Object-Oriented Programming: Inheritance Summary
Fundamentals II - Lesson 2: Object-Oriented Programming: Polymorphism
2.1 Learning Objectives
2,2 PolymorphismTest.java - the "is-a" relationship
2.3 Employee Class Hierarchy - Polymorphism
2.4 Employee.java - Creating an abstract superclass
2.5 SalariedEmployee.java - inheriting directly from an abstract superclass
2.6 HourlyEmployee.java - inheriting directly from an abstract superclass
2.7 CommissionEmployee.java - inheriting directly from an abstract superclass
2.8 BasePlusCommissionEmployee.java - extends CommissionEmployee
2.9 BasePlusCommissionEmployee.java - inheriting indirectly from an abstract superclass
2.10 Payable Interface Hierarchy - Introduction to Interfaces
2.1 Payable.java - defining an interface
2.12 Invoice.java - implementing interface Payable
2.13 Employee.java - implementing interface Payable
2.14 PayableInterfaceTest.java - demonstrating polymorphic behavior with interfaces
2.15 Lesson 2: Object-Oriented Programming: Polymorphism Summary
Fundamentals II - Lesson 3: Introduction to Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) and Event Handling
3.1 Learning Objectives
3.2 Common Swing superclasses
3.3 TextFieldFrame.java - the JTextField class
3.4 TextFieldTest.java - Launching a GUI application
3.5 Event Registration
3.6 ButtonFrame.java - the JButton class
3.7 ComboBoxFrame.java - the JComboBox class
3.8 MouseTrackerFrame.java - mouse events
3.9 MouseDetailsFrame.java - mouse clicks and buttons
3.10 Lesson 3: Introduction to Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) and Event Handling Summary
Fundamentals II - Lesson 4: Exception Handling
4.1 Learning Objectives
4.2 DivideByZeroExceptionHandling.java - introduction to exception handling
4.3 DivideByZeroWithExceptionHandling.java - arithmetic and input mismatch exceptions
4.4 class Throwable's inheritance hierarchy
4.5 try statement with finally block
4.6 UsingExceptions.java - try...catch...finally
4.7 UsingExceptions.java - stack unwinding
4.8 UsingChainedExceptions.java - chained exceptions
4.9 Lesson 4: Exception Handling Summary
Fundamentals II - Lesson 5: The Collections Framework
5.1 Learning Objectives
5.2 Online documentation for the java.util package
5.3 UsingArrays.java - manipulating arrays
5.4 CollectionTest.java - using the Collection interface
5.5 LinkTest.java - using LinkLists
5.6 UsingToArray.java - using method toArray
5.7 Collections algorithms
5.8 Sort1.java - the sort algorithm
5.9 Sort2.java - using a comparator object
5.10 TimeComparator.java - using a custom comparator class
5.11 BinarySearchTest.java - the binarySearch algorithm
5.12 SetTest.java - using a HashSet
5.13 SortedSetTest.java - the SortedSet interface
5.14 WordTypeCount.java - the HashMap class
5.15 Synchronization wrapper methods
5.16 Lesson 5: The Collections Framework Summary
II - Lesson 6: Multithreading
6.1 Learning Objectives
6.2 Thread life-cycle & the OS's internal view of Java's runnable state
6.3 Creating and starting threads to execute Runnables
6.4 Using an ExecutorService to execute Runnables
6.5 Unsynchronized data sharing
6.6 Synchronized data sharing
6.7 Producer/Consumer relationship without synchronization
6.8 Producer/Consumer relationship: ArrayBlockingQueue
6.9 Producer/Consumer relationship with synchronization
6.10 Producer/Consumer relationship with the Lock and Condition interfaces
Fundamentals II - Lesson 7 Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) Part 2
7.1 Learning Objectives
7.2 Introduction to the Nimbus Look and Feel
7.3 JRadioButtons and ButtonGroups
7.4 JList that displays a list of colors
7.5 JList that allows multiple selections
7.6 Creating a customized subclass of JPanel for drawing
7.7 Jslider value used to determine the diameter of a cirlcle
7.8 JMenus and mnemonics
7.9 Multiple-document interface
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