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5+ Hours of Video Instruction
iOS and Mac Network Programming LiveLessons provides Objective-C developers with a practical introduction to writing high performance, robust networking code on the Mac and iOS platforms.
In this training course, DeVoe starts by explaining technologies fundamental to network programming, including packets, protocols, TCP, UDP, REST, and JSON. He then explains networking layers and shows the viewer some tools that can be used to see and interpret networking traffic. The video then builds on this fundamental training by covering more specific iOS and Mac OS network programming topics, including how to work with NSURLRequest, NSURLConnection, and NSURLSessionTask. The video then moves on to covering key networking frameworks and security topics.
About the Instructor
Author and developer Jiva DeVoe has more than 20 years experience in the software industry and is the author of Objective-C Programming Fundamentals LiveLessons and Objective-C Advanced Programming LiveLessons.
Skill Level
What You Will Learn:
Who Should Take This Course:
Some familiarity with Objective-C programming
Table of Contents:
Lesson 1: Network Fundamentals
Lesson 1 "Networking Fundamentals" covers general concepts basic to networking. This lesson explains concepts such as addresses, ports, packets, protocols, the Internet Protocol, TCP, UDP, HTTP and HTTPS.
Lesson 2: Exploring Data Protocols
Lesson 2 "Explore Data Protocols" covers topics related to networking traffic. This lesson takes viewers through tools they can use to see networking traffic and explains network layers, REST, and JSON.
Lesson 3: Networking Technologies on iOS and Mac OS
Lesson 3 "Networking Technologies on iOS and Mac OS" covers NSURLRequest, NSURLConnection, NSURLSession, and NSURLSessionTalk. It explains Core Foundation networking, and helps viewers understand where to use threads in networking code, how to use blocks to simplify code, and how the technologies relate to one another.
Lesson 4: Web Services
Lesson 4 "Web Services" covers downloading files, posting form data, uploading files, accessing REST services, parsing JSON data, displaying data transfer progress, and using background downloads.
Lesson 5: Implementing Servers
Lesson 5 "Implementing Servers" shows viewers how to listen for connections, handle clients, and troubleshoot potential performance bottlenecks.
Lesson 6: Low Level Sockets
Lesson 6 "Implementing Servers" shows viewers how to resolve host names, connect to servers, and transfer data.
Lesson 7: High Level Networking Frameworks and Security
Lesson 7 "High Level Networking Frameworks and Security" shows viewers how to send mail, embed Webkit, browse Bonjour services, and advertise services using Bonjour.
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