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A primer on why cyber security is imperative--from the CIO of Symantec, the global leader in information security.
° Provides a "short cut" for executives to learn more about information security and how it will affect their business.
° Foreword by Richard Clarke, Former Chairman of the President's Critical Infrastructure Protection Board and Former Special Advisor to the President for Cyber Security.
° Symantec Press--the publicity power of Symantec's PR team will boost exposure and sales.
The book provides a pragmatic approach to evaluating security at a companyand putting together an effective information security program. The bookfocuses on three key themes; People, Processes, and Technology and isorganized according to the steps executives would follow in order to developan information security program for their company. Key elements of theprogram include staffing this function at a company, putting the necessaryinternal processes in place, and implementing the appropriate technology.Business executives will find this book a good primer for understanding the keyexisting and future security issues, and for taking the necessary action to ensurethe protection of their enterprise's information assets.The objective of this book is to provide a "short cut" for executives to learnmore about information security and how it will affect their business in thefuture. An overview of information security concepts is provided, so they canbe better prepared to evaluate how their company is addressing informationsecurity.
An Executive's Information Security Challenge
Developing Your Information Security Program
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Chapter related to this title.
1. The Information Security Challenge.
2. Information Security Overview.
3. Developing Your Information Security Program.
4. People.
5. Process.
6. Technology.
7. Information Security Roadmap.
8. View Into The Future.
9. Summary.
Appendix A. Security Evaluation Framework.
Appendix B. Information Security Web Sites.
Appendix C. Operational Security Standards.
Appendix D. Sample Security Job Descriptions.
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