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Created by leading corporate trainers Deitel & Associates, this hands-on, interactive Python training course combines Python training CD-ROM, The Python Multimedia Cyber Classroom CD-ROM, and the leading Python textbook, Python How to Program. You'll start with basic programs and syntax, then learn CGI programming, object-oriented techniques, GUIs, exception handling, regular expressions, XML programming, DB-API database integration, networking, security -- even wireless application development. With this unique combination of live code, audio commentary, and in-depth printed and online explanations, you'll master Python development faster than you ever thought possible!
PYTHON MULTIMEDIA CYBER CLASSROOM 1. Introduction to Computers, Internet and the World Wide Web.
2. Introduction to Python Programming.
3. Control Structures.
4. Functions.
5. Tuples, Lists, and Dictionaries.
6. Introduction to the Common Gateway Interface (CGI).
7. Object-Based Programming: Classes and Data Abstraction.
8. Object-Oriented Programming: Inheritance and Polymorphism.
9. Operator Overloading.
10. Graphical User Interface Components: Part 1.
11. Graphical User Interface Components: Part 2.
12. Exception Handling.
13. Strings Manipulation and Regular Expressions.
14. File Processing and Serialization.
15. Extensible Markup Language (XML).
16. Python XML Processing.
17. Python Database Application Programming Interface (DB-API).
18. Process Management.
19. Multithreading.
20. Networking.
21. Security.
22. Data Structures.
23. Case Study: Multi-Tier Online Bookstore.
24. Multimedia.
25. Accessibility.
26. Bonus: Introduction to XHMTL:
Part I.
27. Bonus: Introduction to XHTML:
Part II.
28. Bonus: Cascading Style Sheets™ (CSS).
29. Bonus: Introduction to PHP.
Appendix A. Operator Precedence Chart.
Appendix B. ASCII Character Set.
Appendix C. Number Systems.
Appendix D. Python Development Environments.
Appendix E. Python 2.2 Resources.
Appendix F. Career Opportunities.
Appendix G. Unicode®.