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Certified ColdFusion 5 Developer Study Guide does not teach ColdFusion, but serves as a review guide that provides helpful pointers for examinees. The book's coverage of topics is thorough, and it is highly readable in small bite-sized chunks. Each subject is presented in a clear and direct language, with useful and well explained code examples. Sample questions accompany each subject, as do references to recommended reading (product documentation, Macromedia course work, and existing ColdFusion books). This is the only study guide written by insiders - the folks who helped create the exam itself.
Conditional Processing in ColdFusion
(NOTE: Each chapter concludes with a Summary and Sample Questions.)
1. Web Technology and Terminology.The Basics. The Internet. The World Wide Web. Application Servers. ColdFusion Fundamentals.
2. Working with Variables and Expressions.What Are Variables and Expressions? Variables and Type. Variable Prefixes. Creating Local Variables. Using Local Variables. Variables and the Request Scope. Dumping Variable Contents. Functions. Strings.
3. Conditional Processing.What Is Conditional Processing? Performing Conditional Processing. Conditional Statements.
4. Looping.What Is Looping? Using <CFLOOP> with <CFOUTPUT>. Nested Loops.
5. Redirects and Reuse.Redirects. Using Redirection. Using HTTP Headers. Reuse. Generating Non-HTML Content.
6. The Application Framework.What Is the Application Framework?
7. Using Databases.How to Connect to Databases. Connecting to the Database. Simplified Database Connectivity. Displaying Data. Querying Queries.
8. URL Variables.What Is a URL Variable? How Are URL Variables Created? What Is the Scope of a URL Variable? Using URL Variables.
9. Form Varialbes.What Is a FORM Variable? How Are FORM Variables Created? Building Database-Driven Form Elements. Server-Side Validation. Client-Side Validation. What Is the Scope of a FORM Variable? The Action Page.
10. Application and server Variables.Understanding APPLICATION and SERVER Variables. APPLICATION Variable Scope. Creating APPLICATION Variables. Creating SERVER Variables.
11. Session State Management.What Is Session State Management? Cookies. SESSION Variables. CLIENT Variables. Which Variables Should I Use?
12. Locking.Understanding Locking. Locking Strategies. <CFLOCK> Attributes. Server-Based Settings. Dealing with Deadlocks.
13. Lists.Understanding Lists. Working with Lists. Using Lists.
14. Arrays.Understanding Arrays. Using Arrays. Multidimensional Arrays.
15. Structures.Structures Defined. Types of Structures. Looping Over Structures. Internal Structures. Combining Complex Data. Structures as Pointers. Referring to Queries Using Structure and Array Syntax.
16. Scripting.<CFSCRIPT>. Variable Assignment. Conditional Processing. Looping. Invoking Objects. Creating Functions.
17. Dynamic Functions.Using Dynamic Functions.
18. Stored Procedures.Using Stored Procedures. <CFQUERY> Versus <CFSTOREDPROC>. Using <CFSTOREDPROC>. Multiple Recordsets.
19. Transactions.Using Transactions. <CFTRANSACTION>. Controlling Commits.
20. Debugging.Debugging Overview. Exposed Information. Manual Debugging. ColdFusion Studio Debugger. Using Log Files.
21. Error Handling.Understanding ColdFusion Error Handling. Exception Handling. <CFERROR> and Exceptions. <CFERROR> and <CFTRY> Together. Sitewide Error Handler. Missing Template Handler.
22. Custom Tags.What Is a Custom Tag? Why Use Custom Tags? Simple Custom Tags. Calling Custom Tags. Attributes. Caller Scope.
23. User-Defined Functions.Understanding User-Defined Functions. Creating UDFs. Using UDFs. Passing Arguments. Function Variables. Organizing UDFs. Limitations of UDFs. Advanced UDFs.
24. Advanced Custom Tags.What Are Advanced Custom Tags? Tag Pairs. ThisTag Scope. Child Tags. Custom Tag Functions. <CFASSOCIATE>.
25. COM, CORBA, CFX, and java.Extending CF with Other Technology. Working with Components and <CFOBJECT>. CFX. Java.
26. WDDX.XML Overview. XML and WDDX. CFWDDX. Using WDDX with Other Technology.
27. Graphing.Understanding Graphing. Implementing Data Drill-Down
28. Full Text Searching.Understanding Full Text Searching. Verity Collections. Creating a Search Interface. K2. Verity Utilities.
29. System Integration.Server File Management. Registry Integration. Executing from the Command Line.
30. Scheduling and Event Execution.Scheduling Events in ColdFusion. Alternative Scheduling Options.
31. Email Integration.Sending Mail with ColdFusion. Retrieving POP Mail. Troubleshooting ColdFusion Mail.
32. LDAP.Understanding LDAP. Connecting to LDAP.
33. Other Internet Protocols.Using HTTP Agents. FTP Agents.
34. Basic SQL.Database Basics. The SELECT Statement. The INSERT Statement. The UPDATE Statement. The DELETE Statement.
35. Joins.Understanding Relational Database Design. Understanding Joins.
36. Aggregates.Understanding Aggregate Functions. Using Aggregate Functions. Grouping Results. Filtering Results.
37. Advanced Database Features.Constraints. Understanding Indexes. Stored Procedures. Triggers. Bind Parameters.
38. Improving Performance.Eliminating Unnecessary Database Access. Reducing Data Transfer Time.
39. Application Performance Tuning and Optimization.Employing Effective ColdFusion Coding. Letting the Database Do Its Job. Enforcing Strict Attribute Validation. Using <CFCACHE>. Measuring Performance. Finding Bottlenecks. Improving Perceived Response Time.
40. Server Performance Tuning.The Operating System. The Web Server. The Application Server. Separate Servers for Separate Tasks. Specific Tuning Techniques (CF Admin Settings). Server Performance Monitoring.
Appendix A: Answers.Answers to Sample Questions.