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C++ Solutions provides insightful, logical, and easy-to-follow solutions to selected exercises found in The C++ Programming Language, Third Edition, by Bjarne Stroustrup. The exercises are explained in detail and are extensively annotated with cross-references to Stroustrup's book.
Developers acquire a thorough understanding of ANSI/ISO C++ by working through examples. Vandevoorde solves a broad subset of illustrative and realistic exercises to facilitate this process. He also includes hints to help programmers find their own solutions, and additional exercises to provide deeper insights into modern software design.
1. Introduction.
Overall Organization.
Short Guide to the Exercises.
Language versus Implementation.
Names, Declarations, and Scopes.
Objects, Types, References, and Functions.
Lvalue and Rvalue Expressions.
Initialization versus Assignment.
Declaration Syntax.
Operator Precedence.
Standard Headers.
The bool Type.
Alternative Tokens.
Template Instantiation.