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Provides students with the fundamental concepts of C++. Ex.___
Teaches students one of the most significant additions to C++. Ex.___
Emphasizes hands-on learning and helps students understand how C++ is used today. Ex.__
Allows students to experiment with these concepts to make learning more interesting and manageable. Ex.__
Reinforces student's knowledge gained from the concepts in the chapter by using the review questions and programming exercises for practice. Ex.__
The fourth edition presents the ANSI C++ standard beginning with a discussion of the essential elements of C++ programming: loops, expressions, functions, and classes. It walks readers through the basics of object-oriented programming: classes, inheritance, templates, and exceptions, as well as the latest object-oriented programming techniques. C++ Primer Plus contains hundreds of sample programs. The friendly tone, concise programs, and end-of-chapter review exercises allow beginners to write their own programs immediately.
1. Getting Started.
Learning C++. A Little History. Portability and Standards. The Mechanics of Creating a Program. Conventions Used in This Book. Our System.
C++ Initiation. More About C++ Statements. More C++ Statements. Functions. Summary. Review Questions. Programming Exercises.
Simple Variables. The const Qualifier. Floating-Point Numbers. C++ Arithmetic Operators. Summary. Review Questions. Programming Exercises.
Introducing Arrays. Strings. Introducing Structures. Unions. Enumerations. Pointers and the Free Store. Pointers, Arrays, and Pointer Arithmetic. Summary. Review Questions. Programming Exercises.
Introducing the for Loop. Relational Expressions. The while Loop. The do while Loop. Loops and Text Input. Nested Loops and Two-Dimensional Arrays. Summary. Review Questions. Programming Exercises
The if Statement. Logical Expressions. The cctype Library of Character Functions. The ?: Operator. The switch Statement. The break and continue Statements. Number-Reading Loops. Summary. Review Questions. Programming Exercises.
Function Review. Function Arguments and Passing by Value. Functions and Arrays. Functions and Two-Dimensional Arrays. Functions and C-Style Strings. Functions and Structures. Recursion. Pointers to Functions. Summary. Review Questions. Programming Exercises.
Inline Functions. Reference Variables. Default Arguments. Function Polymorphism (Function Overloading). Function Templates. Summary. Review Questions. Programming Exercises.
Separate Compilation. Storage Duration, Scope, and Linkage. Namespaces. Summary. Review Questions. Programming Exercises.
Procedural and Object-Oriented Programming. Abstraction and Classes. Class Constructors and Destructors. Knowing Your Objects: The this Pointer. An Array of Objects. Class Scope. An Abstract Data Type. Summary. Review Questions. Programming Exercises.
Operator Overloading. Time on Our Hands. Introducing Friends. Overloaded Operators: Member Versus Nonmember Functions. More Overloading: A Vector Class. Automatic Conversions and Type Casts for Classes. Summary. Review Questions. Programming Exercises.
Dynamic Memory and Classes. A Queue Simulation. Summary. Review Questions. Programming Exercises.
Beginning with a Simple Base Class. Special Relationships. Inheritance-An Is-a Relationship. Polymorphic Public Inheritance. Access Control-protected. Abstract Base Classes. Inheritance and Dynamic Memory Allocation. Class Design Review. Summary. Review Questions. Programming Exercises.
Classes with Object Members. Private Inheritance. Multiple Inheritance. Class Templates. Summary. Review Questions. Programming Exercises.
Friends. Nested Classes. Exceptions. RTTI. Type Cast Operators. Summary. Review Questions. Programming Exercises.
The string Class. The auto_ptr Class. The Standard Template Library. Generic Programming. Function Objects (aka Functors). Algorithms. Other Libraries. Summary. Review Questions. Programming Exercises.
An Overview of C++ Input and Output. Output with cout. Input with cin. File Input and Output. Incore Formatting. What Now? Summary. Review Questions. Programming Exercises.
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