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Arduino Programming in 24 Hours, Sams Teach Yourself

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Arduino Programming in 24 Hours, Sams Teach Yourself


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  • Covers everything from setting up your programming environment to working with digital interfaces, analog devices, sensors, motors, and LCDs
  • Packed with project ideas for the Arduino and popular Arduino interfaces ("shields"): an ideal jumpstart for anyone creating their own projects
  • Includes expert, step-by-step guidance on using Arduino for prototyping -- one of today's most common applications
  • Teaches valuable C skills you can use anywhere, on any computing platform


  • Copyright 2015
  • Dimensions: 7" x 9-1/8"
  • Pages: 432
  • Edition: 1st
  • Book
  • ISBN-10: 0-672-33712-6
  • ISBN-13: 978-0-672-33712-3

In just 24 sessions of one hour or less, Sams Teach Yourself Arduino Programming in 24 Hours teaches you C programmingon Arduino, so you can start creating inspired “DIY” hardwareprojects of your own! Using this book’s straightforward, step-by-stepapproach, you’ll walk through everything from setting up yourprogramming environment to mastering C syntax and features, interfacing your Arduino to performing full-fledged prototyping.Every hands-on lesson and example builds on what you’ve alreadylearned, giving you a rock-solid foundation for real-world success!

Step-by-step instructions carefully walk you through the most common Arduino programming tasks.

Quizzes at the end of each chapter help you test your knowledge.

By the Way notes present interesting information related to the discussion.

Did You Know? tips offer advice or show you easier ways to perform tasks.

Watch Out! cautions alert you to possible problems and give you advice on how to avoid them.

Learn how to...

  • Get the right Arduino hardware and accessories for your needs
  • Download the Arduino IDE, install it, and link it to your Arduino
  • Quickly create, compile, upload, and run your first Arduino program
  • Master C syntax, decision control, strings, data structures, and functions
  • Use pointers to work with memory—and avoid common mistakes
  • Store data on your Arduino’s EEPROM or an external SD card
  • Use existing hardware libraries, or create your own
  • Send output and read input from analog devices or digital interfaces
  • Create and handle interrupts in software and hardware
  • Communicate with devices via the SPI interface and I2C protocol
  • Work with analog and digital sensors
  • Write Arduino C programs that control motors
  • Connect an LCD to your Arduino, and code the output
  • Install an Ethernet shield, configure an Ethernet connection, and write networking programs
  • Create prototyping environments, use prototyping shields, and interface electronics to your Arduino



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Sample Content

Online Sample Chapter

Create Your First Arduino Program

Sample Pages

Download the sample pages (includes Chapter 4 and Index)

Table of Contents

Introduction    1

HOUR 1: Introduction to the Arduino    7

What Is an Arduino?    7

Introducing the Arduino Family    11

Exploring Arduino Shields    18

Summary    20

Workshop    20

HOUR 2: Creating an Arduino Programming Environment    23

Exploring Microcontroller Internals    23

Moving Beyond Machine Code    27

Creating Arduino Programs    29

Installing the Arduino IDE    32

Summary    37

Workshop    38

HOUR 3: Using the Arduino IDE    39

Overview of the IDE    39

Walking Through the Menus    40

Exploring the Toolbar    49

Exploring the Message Area and Console Window    49

Setting Up the Arduino IDE    51

Using the Serial Monitor    52

Summary    54

Workshop    54

HOUR 4: Creating an Arduino Program    57

Building an Arduino Sketch    57

Creating Your First Sketch    59

Interfacing with Electronic Circuits    64

Summary    70

Workshop    71

HOUR 5: Learning the Basics of C    75

Working with Variables    75

Using Operators    80

Exploring Arduino Functions    83

Summary    87

Workshop    87

HOUR 6: Structured Commands    89

Working with the if Statement    89

Grouping Multiple Statements    90

Using else Statements    92

Using else if Statements    93

Understanding Comparison Conditions    95

Creating Compound Conditions    97

Negating a Condition Check    98

Expanding with the switch Statement    98

Summary    99

Workshop    100

HOUR 7: Programming Loops    103

Understanding Loops    103

Using while Loops    104

Using do-while Loops    106

Using for Loops    107

Using Arrays in Your Loops    109

Using Multiple Variables    112

Nesting Loops    112

Controlling Loops    113

Summary    116

Workshop    116

HOUR 8: Working with Strings    119

What’s a String?    119

Understanding C-Style Strings    120

Introducing the Arduino String Object    126

Manipulating String Objects    130

Summary    131

Workshop    132

HOUR 9: Implementing Data Structures    133

What’s a Data Structure?    133

Creating Data Structures    134

Using Data Structures    136

Manipulating Data Structures    138

Arrays of Structures    140

Working with Unions    142

Summary    145

Workshop    145

HOUR 10: Creating Functions    147

Basic Function Use    147

Returning a Value    150

Passing Values to Functions    152

Handling Variables in Functions    154

Calling Functions Recursively    158

Summary    160

Workshop    160

HOUR 11: Pointing to Data    163

What Is a Pointer?    163

Working with Pointers    166

Using Special Types of Pointers    167

Pointer Arithmetic    168

Strings and Pointers    171

Combining Pointers and Structures    173

Using Pointers with Functions    176

Summary    179

Workshop    179

HOUR 12: Storing Data    181

Arduino Memory Refresher    181

Taking a Closer Look at SRAM    183

Creating Dynamic Variables    185

Using Flash to Store Data    189

Using the EEPROM Memory    194

Summary    198

Workshop    198

HOUR 13: Using Libraries    201

What Is a Library?    201

Using the Standard Libraries    203

Using Contributed Libraries    206

Creating Your Own Libraries    208

Summary    214

Workshop    215

HOUR 14: Working with Digital Interfaces    219

Digital Overview    219

Using Digital Outputs    221

Experimenting with Digital Output    223

Working with Digital Inputs    226

Experimenting with Digital Input    229

Summary    231

Workshop    232

HOUR 15: Interfacing with Analog Devices    235

Analog Overview    235

Working with Analog Input    238

Modifying the Input Result    241

Using Input Mapping    242

Changing the Reference Voltage    245

Analog Output    246

Using the Analog Output    246

Summary    248

Workshop    248

HOUR 16: Adding Interrupts    251

What Are Interrupts?    251

Types of Interrupts    252

Using External Interrupts    254

Testing External Interrupts    255

Using Pin Change Interrupts    260

Working with Timer Interrupts    262

Ignoring Interrupts    264

Summary    265

Workshop    265

HOUR 17: Communicating with Devices    267

Serial Communication Protocols    267

Using the Serial Port    268

Working with the SPI Port    274

Working with I2C    277

Summary    284

Workshop    284

HOUR 18: Using Sensors    287

Interfacing with Analog Sensors    287

Working with Voltage    288

Using a Voltage-Based Sensor    293

Working with Resistance Output    295

Using a Resistance-Based Sensor    296

Using Touch Sensors    297

Working with Touch Sensors    298

Summary    300

Workshop    301

HOUR 19: Working with Motors    303

Types of Motors    303

Using DC Motors    305

Experimenting with Motors    308

Using Servo Motors    313

Summary    317

Workshop    317

HOUR 20: Using an LCD    319

What Is an LCD?    319

Interfacing with LCD Devices    321

The LiquidCrystal Library    325

The LCD Shield    329

Summary    335

Workshop    335

HOUR 21: Working with the Ethernet Shield    337

Connecting the Arduino to a Network    337

The Ethernet Shield Library    340

Writing a Network Program    349

Summary    351

Workshop    352

HOUR 22: Advanced Network Programming    355

The Web Protocol    355

Reading Sensor Data from a Web Server    361

Controlling an Arduino from the Web    364

Summary    370

Workshop    370

HOUR 23: Handling Files    373

What Is an SD Card Reader?    373

SD Cards and the Arduino    375

The SD Library    376

Interfacing with the SD Card    378

Storing Sensor Data    382

Summary    385

Workshop    385

HOUR 24: Prototyping Projects    387

Determining Project Requirements    387

Determining Interface Requirements    389

Listing Components    391

Creating a Schematic    392

Creating the Breadboard Circuit    393

Designing the Sketch    394

Writing the Sketch    395

Testing the Sketch    398

Creating a Prototype Board    399

Summary    401

Workshop    401

Index    403

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