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Reap the benefits of increased ROI by integrating Service-Oriented Design principles and XML Web services into your IT infrastructure.
° Supplies strategies and best practices for integrating XML, Web services, and Service-Oriented Design principles into organizations.
° Learn how to benefit from lower cost of operations and improved readiness to respond to new business requirements.
° Covers the new WS-* second-generation Web services technologies championed by IBM, Microsoft, and BEA Systems.
As XML becomes an increasingly significant part of the IT mainstream, expert guidance and common-sense strategies are required to avoid the many pitfalls of applying XML incorrectly or allowing it to be used in an uncontrolled manner. This book acts as a knowledge base for issues relating to integration, and provides clear, concise advice on how to best determine the manner and direction XML technology should be positioned and integrated. The book will be one of the first to provide documentation for second-generation Web services technologies (also known as WS-*). The importance of these specifications (which include BPEL, WS-Transaction, WS-Coordination, WS-Security, WS-Policy, and WS-Reliable Messaging) cannot be understated. Major standards organizations and vendors are supporting and developing these standards. ***David Keogh, Program Manager for Enterprise Frameworks and Tools, Microsoft, will provide a front cover quotation for the book.
Introduction to Web Services Technologies: SOA, SOAP, WSDL and UDDI
1. Introduction.
Why this guide is important. The XML & Web Services Integration Framework (XWIF). How this guide is organized. Contact the author.
2. Introduction to XML technologies. Extensible Markup Language (XML). Document Type Definitions (DTD). XML Schema Definition Language (XSD). Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT). XML Query Language (XQuery). XML Path Language (XPath). 3. Introduction to Web services technologies.
Web services and the service-oriented architecture (SOA). Web Services Description Language (WSDL). Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP). Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI). 4. Introduction to second-generation (WS-*) Web services technologies.
Second-generation Web services and the service-oriented enterprise (SOE). WS-Coordination and WS-Transaction. Business Process Execution Language for Web Services (BPEL4WS). WS-Security and the Web services security specifications. WS-ReliableMessaging. WS-Policy. WS-Attachments.
5. Integrating XML into applications. Strategies for integrating XML data representation. Strategies for integrating XML data validation. Strategies for integrating XML schema administration. Strategies for integrating XML transformation. Strategies for integrating XML data querying. 6. Integrating Web services into applications.
Service models. Modeling service-oriented component classes and Web service interfaces. Strategies for integrating service-oriented encapsulation. Strategies for integrating service assemblies. Strategies for enhancing service functionality. Strategies for integrating SOAP messaging. 7. Integrating XML and databases.
Comparing XML and relational databases. Integration architectures for XML and relational databases. Strategies for integrating XML with relational databases. Techniques for mapping XML to relational data. Database extensions. Native XML databases.
8. The mechanics of application integration. Understanding application integration. Integration levels. A guide to middleware. Choosing an integration path. 9. Service-oriented architectures for legacy integration.
Service models for application integration. Fundamental integration components. Web services and one-way integration architectures. Web services and point-to-point architectures. Web services and centralized database architectures. Service-oriented analysis for legacy architectures. 10. Service-oriented architectures for enterprise integration.
Service models for enterprise integration architectures. Fundamental enterprise integration architecture components. Web services and enterprise integration architectures. Hub and spoke. Messaging bus. Enterprise Service Bus (ESB). 11. Service-oriented integration strategies.
Strategies for streamlining integration endpoint interfaces. Strategies for optimizing integration endpoint services. Strategies for integrating legacy architectures. Strategies for enterprise solution integration. Strategies for integrating Web services security.
12. Thirty best practices for integrating XML. Best practices for planning XML migration projects. Best practices for knowledge management within XML projects. Best practices for standardizing XML applications. Best practices for designing XML applications. 13. Thirty best practices for integrating Web services.
Best practices for planning service-oriented projects. Best practices for standardizing Web services. Best practices for designing service-oriented environments. Best practices for managing service-oriented development projects. Best practices for implementing Web services. 14. Building the service-oriented enterprise (SOE).
SOA modeling basics. SOE building blocks. SOE migration strategy. About the Author.
About the Photographs.
My father runs a placer mine, far North in a remote part of the Yukon wilderness. Foralmost half a century, he's made his living plowing through mountains with his bulldozers,looking for gold. Due to the climate, he gets only a limited amount of time duringwhich he can actually mine. His priority, therefore, is to keep his business fullyoperational throughout this period. Any disruption results in lost revenue. Despite hisbest efforts, though, he is constantly faced with obstacles.He's had to contend with volatile, sometimes even violent environmental conditions.He's had to confront bears that roamed into his camp, looking for food. He's evenchased thieves off his land in the middle of the night. Once, the hydraulic pump on hisfront-end loader collapsed, crushing his hand. Instead of "wasting" two days to get tothe nearest hospital, he simply wrapped a diesel soaked rag around his broken fingersand kept on going.
The worst kind of problem he's ever had to face, though, is mechanical failure. If a keypiece of equipment breaks, if an engine slows or stops, or if any other part of his infrastructureseizes, his business comes to a (literally) grinding halt. It can take weeks to getnew equipment or spare parts -- a delay that can be devastating to his bottom line.When faced with these challenges in the past, he's had only himself to rely on. I askedhim once how he deals with these situations. He told me that there are very few problemsin life that can't be solved with a blowtorch and a welding rod.
I think about that "life philosophy" sometimes, when staring at the cursor, blinkinghypnotically amidst some problem displayed on my computer screen. I've always beeninvolved with new technology. It has the mystery of the unknown and the attraction ofpotential. It's also put me in more "impossible" situations than I care to remember.Although I have respect for the expertise required to produce product documentationand tutorials, I generally classify this information as "option A." It is surprising howoften option A does not work in integrated environments. But, that's what option B isfor. Option B is when I roll up my sleeves and light my own blowtorch.
This attitude is important when working on integration projects. Some integrationtasks are easy. Making two compatible pieces of software talk to each other can bestraightforward, involving a predictable development and deployment effort. Others,though, can be a nightmare. Sometimes two pieces of software aren't just "not compatible,"they seem violently opposed to each other's very existence.
The goal of this guide is to help you define your own options for whatever integrationchallenges you might be facing. I am fortunate to be writing a book about integrationstrategy at a time when the IT community has at its disposal a platform that fostersintegration and interoperability like never before.
I hope that you will find this guide not only useful, but that it will lead you to viewXML, Web services, and service-oriented principles as problem-solving tools. So that nomatter what obstacles cross your path, you will be able to use your own blowtorch tocarve out that perfect solution.