Modeling Techniques in Predictive Analytics: Business Problems and Solutions with R
By Thomas W. Miller
Today, successful firms compete and win based on analytics. Modeling Techniques in Predictive Analytics brings together all the concepts, techniques, and R code you need to excel in any role involving analytics. Thomas W. Miller's unique balanced approach combines business context and quantitative tools, appealing to managers, analysts, programmers, and students alike. All example code is presented in R, today's #1 system for applied statistics, statistical research, and predictive modeling; code is set apart from other text so itโs easy to find for those who want it (and easy to skip for those who donโt).
Overview | Overview of Data and Prgram Files | overview.pdf |
Chapter 1 | R Program for the Anscombe Quartet (program) | chapter_1_program.R |
Chapter 2 | Shaking Our Bobbleheads Yes and No (data) | dodgers.csv |
Shaking Our Bobbleheads Yes and No (program) | chapter_2_program.R | |
Chapter 3 | Measuring and Modeling Individual Preferences (data) | mobile_services_ranking.csv |
Measuring and Modeling Individual Preferences (program) | chapter_3_program.R | |
Chapter 4 | Market Basket Analysis of Grocery Store Data (program) | chapter_4_program.R |
Chapter 5 | Working with Economic Data (program) | chapter_5_program.R |
Chapter 6 | Call Center Scheduling Problem and Solution (shift data) | data_anonymous_bank_shifts.csv |
Call Center Scheduling Problem and Solution (call center data) | data_anonymous_bank_february.txt | |
Call Center Scheduling Problem and Solution (program) | chapter_6_program.R | |
Chapter 7 | Text Analytics of Movie Taglines (data) | taglines_copy_data.txt |
Text Analytics Book R Code (data for world cloud) | MTPA_R_code.txt | |
Text Analytics of Movie Taglines (program) | chapter_7_program.R | |
Chapter 8 | Sentiment Analysis and Classification of Movie Ratings (Hu and Liu negative word list) | Hu_Liu_negative_word_list.txt |
Sentiment Analysis and Classification of Movie Ratings (Hu and Liu positive word list) | Hu_Liu_positive_word_list.txt | |
Sentiment Analysis and Classification of Movie Ratings (directory of text files reviews) | train/unsup | |
Sentiment Analysis and Classification of Movie Ratings (directory of text files reviews) | train/pos | |
Sentiment Analysis and Classification of Movie Ratings (directory of text files reviews) | train/neg | |
Sentiment Analysis and Classification of Movie Ratings (directory of text files reviews) | test/pos | |
Sentiment Analysis and Classification of Movie Ratings (directory of text files reviews) | test/neg | |
Sentiment Analysis and Classification of Movie Ratings (directory of text files reviews) | test/tom | |
Sentiment Analysis and Classification of Movie Ratings (program) | chapter_8_program.R | |
Word Scoring Code for Sentiment Analysis (program, same as in Appendix C) | appendix_c5_program.R | |
Chapter 9 | Winning Probabilities by Simulation (Negative Binomial Model) (program) | chapter_9_program.R |
Chapter 10 | Computer Choice Study: Training and Testing with Hierarchical Bayes (data) | computer_choice_study.csv |
Computer Choice Study: Training and Testing with Hierarchical Bayes (program) | chapter_10a_program.R | |
Preference, Choice, and Market Simulation (program) | chapter_10b_program.R | |
Chapter 11 | California Housing Values: Regression and Spatial Regression Models (data) | houses_data.txt |
California Housing Values: Regression and Spatial Regression Models (program) | chapter_11_program.R | |
Appendix C | Conjoint Analysis Spine Chart (program) | appendix_c1_program.R |
Market Simulation Utilities (program) | appendix_c2_program.R | |
Split-plotting Utilities (program) | appendix_c3_program.R | |
Wait-time Ribbon Plot (program) | appendix_c4_program.R | |
Word Scoring Code for Sentiment Analysis (program) | appendix_c5_program.R | |
Utilities for Spatial Data Analysis (program) | appendix_c6_program.R | |